“I write because I can’t not write…

… If I have an idea circling in my brain and I can’t get it out, it begins to poison my waking existence, until I’m unable to function in polite company or even hold a simple conversation…

…It requires me to park my butt in a chair even when I don’t feel particularly motivated…”

“…I’m often asked if I cry when I write. Of course I do! There are some scenes I’ve written…where I find myself sobbing at the keyboard. I know the characters better than I know anyone else, so it stands to reason that I’m emotionally invested in them…”

“…If you write because you want to be rich, you’re in the wrong business. Write because you can’t not write, or don’t write at all. Write even when you don’t feel like writing.

There is no muse. It’s hard work. You can always edit a bad page, but you can’t edit a blank page.

Read. It’ll inspire you to write as well as the authors who came before you.”

– By Jodi Picoult

Do you write? I’d like to read about your writing experience. Leave your comments here.

About Bryce Edem

Wordsmith. Speaker. Presentation Architect. Speaker Coach. Accidental Futurist. Budding entrepreneur. Explorer. Evolver. I'm enraptured by words. I sustain a growing passion for, and have modest facility with, words. I help people say things in the best possible way they should, on the page and/or on the stage to maximize the effectiveness of the pen and the podium.
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